I am using spark-sql 2.4.x version , datastax-spark-cassandra-connector for Cassandra-3.x version. Along with kafka.
I have a scenario for some finance data coming from kafka topic. data (base dataset) contains companyId, year , prev_year fields information.
If columns year === prev_year then I need to join with different table i.e. exchange_rates.
If columns year =!= prev_year then I need to return the base dataset itself
How to do this in spark-sql ?
You can refer below approach for your case.
scala> Input_df.show
| 1|2016| 2017| 12|
| 1|2017| 2017|21.4|
| 2|2018| 2017|11.7|
| 2|2018| 2018|44.6|
| 3|2016| 2017|34.5|
| 4|2017| 2017| 56|
scala> exch_rates.show
| 1|12.3|
| 2|12.5|
| 3|22.3|
| 4|34.6|
| 5|45.2|
scala> val equaldf = Input_df.filter(col("year") === col("prev_year"))
scala> val notequaldf = Input_df.filter(col("year") =!= col("prev_year"))
scala> val joindf = notequaldf.alias("n").drop("rate").join(exch_rates.alias("e"), List("companyId"), "left")
scala> val finalDF = equaldf.union(joindf)
scala> finalDF.show()
| 1|2017| 2017|21.4|
| 2|2018| 2018|44.6|
| 4|2017| 2017| 56|
| 1|2016| 2017|12.3|
| 2|2018| 2017|12.5|
| 3|2016| 2017|22.3|