Dynamic where clause in parameter

2020-02-16 04:48发布


I am currently trying to build up the where clause of an SqlCommand.

something similar to this

myCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * " +
                        "FROM TABLE1 " + 
//I build up the where clause with a StringBuilder
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@whereClause" theClause.ToString());

But it doesn't seem like this is possible. I got the exception :

SqlException Incorrect syntax near '@whereClause'

The reason I want to do something like this is because I want to avoid X call to the database and this way I leave sorting and filtering to the server.

Is there anyway to do something similar to this?

/edit : The where clause would look something like this WHERE (TABLE1.COL1 = 'the value' OR TABLE1.COL1 = 'another value' OR TABLE1.COL1 = 'this value' ... )

/edit Finaly this was due to a stupid typo error... after I changed to not use the parametrize query. I'll upvote those answer who helped my out. I will mark as answer what was to closer to fix my situation even if it didn't fixed my (stupid) bug


It seems you're trying to add the entire WHERE clause as a parameter - that won't work!

So suppose you need to build something like this

SELECT * from TABLE1 WHERE Field1=@Field1Value and Field2=@Field2Value

And assuming

  • you have a List<WhereField> of fields to include in the WHERE clause
  • and that all clauses are ANDed together
  • and WhereField looks something like this

public class WhereField
   public string FieldName{get;set;}
   public object FieldValue{get;set;}
   public string ComparisonOperator{get;set;}

then you have something like this:

var whereClause = new StringBuilder();
    foreach (var field in WhereFields)
     .Append (" AND ");
//add the parameter as well:
 //cleanly close the where clause

And now you can execute

myCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * " +
                        "FROM TABLE1 WHERE " + whereClause.ToString();


You can't use a clause (where) with parameters, you are only allowed to use parameters with command.Parameters.

To build a dynamic Where clause, you have to build your query based on conditions and string concatenation and then add the parameters accordingly.

Something like:

sb.Append("SELECT * FROM TABLE1 ");

if (someCondition)
    sb.Append("WHERE XColumn = @XColumn");
    myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@XColumn", "SomeValue");
    sb.Append("WHERE YColumn = @YColumn");
    myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@YColumn", "SomeOtherValue");
myCommand.CommandText = sb.ToString();


May be you need

myCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * " +
                        "FROM TABLE1 WHERE " + 