I'm pretty new to this, so I'm sorry if I screw up any of the lingo. Thanks a bunch for anybody's help or thoughts.
I have the following wrong code:
Sub ExampleSub(text As String)
ClassObject." & text & "_attribute = 1
End Sub
So if I call ExampleSub("cheese"), I would like it to set ClassObject.cheese_attribute equal to 1.
Any thoughts? I'm not even sure it's possible.
Thanks so much!
Here is another method that might work. Use a scripting dictionary object as one of the classobject's Properties
. The Dictionary Object is pretty neat, storing elements in key/value pairs, where the key is a string and the value can be any other type (object, range, Workbook, integer, variant/array, etc.)
So you can use the dictionary object to contain all of these named attributes. In your class module, add code like:
Private pAttributes as Object
Sub Class_Initialize()
'## Initialize this object to avoid a 91 error
Set pAttributes = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub
Public Property Get Attributes() As Object
Set Attributes = pAttributes
End Property
Public Property Let Attributes(lAttributes As Object)
Set pAttributes = lAttributes
End Property
Then, in your code you can simply do:
Sub ExampleSub(text As String)
ClassObject.Attributes(text) = 1
End Sub
Calling a dictionary key automatically adds the item if it doesn't already exist, but if you wanted more control you could do:
Sub AnotherExample(text as String)
If ClassObject.Attributes.Exists(text) Then
MsgBox text & " already exists!", vbInformation
ClassObject.Attributes(text) = 1
End If
End Sub