I am quite novice at Excel formulas, so could anyone help me
I have elements as follows
| A | B | C |
| nr | car | model |
| 1 | Ford | Mustang |
| 2 | Ford | Focus |
| 3 | Ford | Focus |
| 4 | Ferrari | 458 |
| 5 | Ferrari | Testarossa |
How could I get the results as follows
| 1 | Ford | Mustang, Focus |
| 2 | Ferrari | 458, Testarossa |
Where every value is unique. I Tried Vlookup, but it only returns 1 element with 1 value. Example: VLookup with Ford would return only the first result Mustang, but not Focus
If possible, please use only Formulas :)
I've seen similar questions but no answers
Now if you don't mind them being in different cells then:
This is an array formula and as such must be confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter instead of Enter or Tab to exit edit mode.
This can be done in an extra step. As in you will need an intermediate table.
So in my example, I take the data you have given (which seems sorted for Column car), but assume that it is not sorted (unsorted data in the screenshot).
Step 1:
Unsorted data is sorted, and table formed in rows 9-14. Add a column in D9, and in cell D10 put this formula:
=IF(B10=B9,CONCATENATE(VLOOKUP(B9,B9:D10,3,0),", ",C10),C10)
What this formula does is it looks up and concatenates values at the same time.
I find no of unique entries in the table in rows 9 and 14 with a formula in row 16. (This is just for convenience)
B16 =SUMPRODUCT(1/COUNTIF($B$10:$B$14,$B$10:$B$14))
Step 2:
In rows 18-20 (the no of unique entries kind of gave an idea how big this table will be),
This formula lists out unique car names in colB. In colC, you LOOKUP the last concatenated value for a car name (because we had kept on concatenating earlier, the last entry for a car name would have your result)
That should give you the resultant table! (Have pasted all of them as values in colG onwards so that you see the output)
Put this in D2
=IF(B2<>B1,C2,IF(C2<>C1,IF(D1="",C2,D1&", "&C2),""))
Drag down
nr car model ColD
1 Ford Mustang Mustang
2 Ford Focus Mustang, Focus
3 Ford Focus
4 Ferrari 458 458
5 Ferrari Testarossa 458, Testarossa
first occurrence of the last model per car has the data you want.
This would be a lot easier if you could kill column A and use Excel's remove dupes function.
If you want to do it with code, this will work:
Sub ConcatByMasterColumn()
Dim X As Long, MyString As String
Range("F1:G1").Formula = Array("Car", "Model")
For X = 2 To Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
If Range("B" & X) <> Range("B" & X - 1) And X > 2 Then 'MyString = Range("B" & X).Text
Range("F" & Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row).Formula = Range("B" & X - 1).Text
Range("G" & Range("G" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row).Formula = Right(MyString, Len(MyString) - 2)
MyString = ""
End If
If Range("C" & X) <> Range("C" & X - 1) Then MyString = MyString & ", " & Range("C" & X).Text
End Sub
Car Model
Ford Mustang, Focus
Ferrari 458, Testarossa