please let me explain it clearly, if there is misconception please let me know,
firstly you suppose I have a grid with three column:
ItemName Count Fee
my code works perfectly when I click on ItemName
and the go to fee column,
mean in this case when I type 12345 it becomes 12,345 actually when I am typing.
but when I go to count column and then fee column it does not work for example when I am typing 12345 it does not put comma.
my code:
Public Override string Text
return base.Text;
protected override void OnTextChanged(System.EventArgs e)
Text= GetFormattedText(Text);
Protected virtual string GetFormattedText(string Text)
string strText= text.Replace(",","");
decimal decValue=System.Convert.ToDecimal(strText);
strText= decValue.Tostring("#,##0");
Return strText;
More explanation
I am sure something is wrong with the GET of my property, because in this case, I mean when I go firstly to count column and then fee column it just calls get and doesn't go to OnTextChanged
I know my question seems stupid because of my little knowledge but I really appreciate it if you could share some ideas