Include a Scilab function/script as a block in xco

2020-02-15 15:58发布


As the title says I want to include a block where I can run a scilab expression/function/script given certain inputs. I can see xcos/scicos can include C, Fortran and Modelica. There is a Expression block:

but the functions are pretty limited:

sin, cos, tan, exp, log, sinh, cosh, tanh, int, round, ceil, floor, sign, abs, max, min, asin, acos, atan, asinh, acosh, atanh, atan2, log10.

for example if I want to solve a second order equation of ax^2+bx+c=d there are no sqrt or power/^ operators/functions! Ideally I want to just run a Scilab script/function where I can have complete freedom. I would appreciate if you could help me know if there is such a block in either xcos or scicos.


Thanks to Rupak and Anuradha from Spoken-Tutorial IIT Bombay I found the solution. Create a Scilab function as:

function [y1, y2, ...] = myFunction(u1, u2, ...)
    // some commands ...
    yi = function(u1, u2, ...);

and save it as myFunction.sci in your preferred location.

Then execute the function once (in editor) or run the command:

exec('path\to\myFunction.sci', -1)

in the console so it will be in the Scilab memory.

Then use the Scilab function block in your block diagram:

open the Scilab Multiple Values Request by double clocking on the block, Ctrl+B or right click and select Block Parameters ...:

Here you can specify the size of input and output matrices. For example [1,1;2,3] refers to two matrices with 1×1 and 2×3 sizes. By selecting OK the Scilab Input Value Request will open:

here you can put the function you just defined y=myFunction(u); or use any other Scilab built in syntax. Now simply select OK four times till the settings are finished.

For a more elaborate example you may follow this YouTube tutorial.

标签: scilab xcos