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Closed 3 years ago.
I want to add a colored point (red or green) on every "crossing" between the rings and segment lines. Is there a simpler way than making 240 Series which just have two datapoints?
1 - There is no need to create different Series
. Just add the DataPoints
you want at the spots you want! This is the easiest way, since you already know the values.
2 - As an alternative you can use a xxxPaint
event and draw filled circles (or whatever you fancy..). For this you need to convert the values to pixels. This can usually be achieved with the AxisX/AxisY.ValueToPixelPosition
methods. However for Polar Charts
this will not work. Instead you need to calculate the pixel coordinates yourself..
The 2nd way is a bit harder, but of course will give you more control over the style of the points you draw..
Here is the result of adding DataPoints
Example code for the 1st version; first we set up a polar chart with its axis properties:
Chart chart = chart2;
ChartArea ca = chart.ChartAreas[0];
Axis ax = ca.AxisX;
Axis ay = ca.AxisY;
ax.Minimum = 0;
ax.Maximum = 360;
ax.Interval = 15; // 15° interval
ax.Crossing = 0; // start the segments at the top!
ay.Minimum = 0;
ay.Maximum = 10;
ay.Interval = 1;
Series s0 = chart.Series.Add("points");
s0.MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Circle;
s0.SetCustomProperty("PolarDrawingStyle", "Marker");
s0.MarkerSize = 6;
s0.MarkerColor = Color.Teal;
s0.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Polar;
And then we add the points at the crossings and finally style one of them to show that they all can be different..:
for (double vx = ax.Minimum; vx < ax.Maximum; vx += ax.Interval)
for (double vy = ay.Minimum; vy <= ay.Maximum; vy += ay.Interval)
s0.Points.AddXY(vx, vy);
s0.Points[333].MarkerColor = Color.Red;
s0.Points[333].MarkerSize = 12;
For the code to calculate the pixel coordinates see this post!
Using the function in the link and this PrePaint
private void chart2_PrePaint(object sender, ChartPaintEventArgs e)
Chart chart = chart2;
ChartArea ca = chart.ChartAreas[0];
Series s0 = chart.Series["points"];
foreach (DataPoint dp in s0.Points)
PointF pt = PolarValueToPixelPosition(dp, chart, ca);
e.ChartGraphics.Graphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.OrangeRed, pt.X - 5, pt.Y - 5, 9, 9);
we can adorn each point with a circle:
Or course, if you don't want to add the DataPoints
in the first place, you can replace them by calculating the values like I did in the loops that added them..