
Topic Won't Save in Firebase

2020-02-15 07:19发布


I'm trying to let a user subscribe to a Topic and save it in Firebase. I've followed the guides from firebase.google.com and have added the following code when a user taps a button:

[[FIRMessaging messaging] subscribeToTopic:@"/topics/sampletopic"];

Nothing happens though when I test clicking this button. I've added what is necessary to the podfile. What am I missing?

edit: where does this even show up in Firebase? Where can I see my saved topics?


A topic is created automatically so long that there is a subscriber. However, for FCM, it takes about 24 hours for it to be available in the console, as also mentioned in the following posts:

  • https://stackoverflow.com/a/39371301/4625829
  • How To Create Topic in FCM Notifications
  • https://stackoverflow.com/a/37848400/4625829

You can view it when you are going to Send a New Message in the Firebase Console, then in the Target section, choose Topic.