PHP JWT Token Invalid Signature

2020-02-15 07:20发布


I'm searching for an hours now and can't find a solution to this problem.

This is the code to generate JWT token. I used library.

        $tokenId    = base64_encode(mcrypt_create_iv(32));
        $issuedAt   = time();
        $notBefore  = $issuedAt + 10;             //Adding 10 seconds
        $expire     = $notBefore + 60;            // Adding 60 seconds
        $serverName = 'serverName'; // Retrieve the server name from config file

        $secretKey = base64_decode(getenv('JWT_SECRET'));

         $data = [
            'iat'  => $issuedAt,         // Issued at: time when the token was generated
            'jti'  => $tokenId,          // Json Token Id: an unique identifier for the token
            'iss'  => $serverName,       // Issuer
            'nbf'  => $notBefore,        // Not before
            'exp'  => $expire,           // Expire
            'data' => [                  // Data related to the signer user
                'userId'   => '1', // userid from the users table
                'userName' => $UserName, // User name

        $jwt = JWT::encode(
                $data,      //Data to be encoded in the JWT
                $secretKey, // The signing key
                'HS256'     // Algorithm used to sign the token

        $unencodedArray = ['jwt' => $jwt];
        echo json_encode($unencodedArray);

And I verify the token at

Can anybody help me with this problem? I'm currently new in JWT. Btw, my project is Slim API.

Thank you very much.


Signature verification fails because you are not passing the correct secret key to You need to pass the value of $secretKey from the PHP code. According to the screenshot you are passing string secret.

标签: php jwt slim