I was playing with the installation of Mongo db on my mac... and in exporting the Mongodb/bin dir to PATH .. looks like I corrupted the bash_profile and now I can't find it..
This is what I did :
nano ~/.bash_profile
The file did not exist, so I went ahead created one and added the following line
export PATH={$PATH}:~/mongo/bin
So now I saved the file .. by pressing ctrl + O and then hit Enter at the prompt. Then I pressed ctrl + X to exit nano. I reloaded my bash profile with the following command:
$ source ~/.bash_profile.
Now even the basic commands like open, clear , grep etc would result in
-bash: clear: command not found
When I do
export $PATH
this is what shows up ...
-bash: export: `{{/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin}:/Users/pavbond007/Documents/Mongo/mongodb-osx-x86_64-2.2.3/bin}:/Users/pavbond007/Documents/Mongo/mongodb-osx-x86_64-2.2.3/bin': not a valid identifier
I am a novice in this.. Please help me get back to my original state where I had access to all the mac and unix commands..
Let me know if you require additional details.. My OS is mountain lion.. I had also XCode installed..