I have been looking into this for a while now and I cannot find a way to remove duplicate strings from a comma-separated string in SQL Server 2000. I can find a lot of examples of this for SQL Server 2005 and 2008 but not 2000.
Given the string
does anyone know how would you return test,test2,test3
You can use while loop to parse the string and put the values you find in a temporary variable and before you add the value you do a check if it is already added.
declare @S varchar(50)
declare @T varchar(50)
declare @W varchar(50)
set @S = 'test,test2,test,test3,test2'
set @T = ','
while len(@S) > 0
set @W = left(@S, charindex(',', @S+',')-1)+','
if charindex(','+@W, @T) = 0
set @T = @T + @W
set @S = stuff(@S, 1, charindex(',', @S+','), '')
set @S = substring(@T, 2, len(@T)-2)
print @S
If you want to do this in a query you need to put the code above in a function.
create function dbo.RemoveDups(@S varchar(50))
returns varchar(50)
declare @T varchar(50)
declare @W varchar(50)
set @T = ','
while len(@S) > 0
set @W = left(@S, charindex(',', @S+',')-1)+','
if charindex(','+@W, @T) = 0
set @T = @T + @W
set @S = stuff(@S, 1, charindex(',', @S+','), '')
return substring(@T, 2, len(@T)-2)
And use it like this
select dbo.RemoveDups(ColumnName) as DupeFreeString
from YourTable
I was looking for this in Oracle. And i stumbled upon another solution. For those who are trying to do the same with a query in Oracle. Try the below query
with t as (select 'SCOTT,ALLEN,KING,SCOTT' as in_cls from dual)
, t1 as ( select distinct regexp_substr(in_cls, '[^,]+', 1, rownum) names
from t
connect by rownum <= length(regexp_replace(in_cls, '[^,]'))+1)
RTrim(xmlagg(xmlelement(a,names||',').extract('//text()')),',') string
from t1
Might need a little tweaking. I widened the fields a bit and then tried:
SELECT dbo.RemoveDups('Procedure, Missing Attestation, Procedure, Incomplete Note, Missing technique');
But it missed the dup on Procedure