UPDATED: Changed code to the now working class code using PDO instead of deprecated methods
The original question was answered and the problem is solved. Phil brought up using PDO instead of traditional SQL so seeing as this class is in its infancy, I have decided to start the migration process.
class db
private static $connection;
const __DB__HOST__ = __DB__HOST__;
const __DB_USERNAME__ = __DB_USERNAME__;
const __DB_PASSWORD__ = __DB_PASSWORD__;
const __DB_NAME__ = __DB_NAME__;
private static function getConnection() {
if (self::$connection === null) {
$dsn = sprintf("mysql:dbname=".__DB_NAME__.";host=".__DB_HOST__, __DB_USERNAME__, __DB_PASSWORD__,"charset=utf8" );
self::$connection = new PDO($dsn, self::__DB_USERNAME__, self::__DB_PASSWORD__, array(
return self::$connection;
//Make the query
private static function dbQuery($sql_string) {
$conn = self::getConnection();
$sth = $conn->prepare($sql_string);
return $sth;
//Return all results from sqlquery in array
public static function dbDataArray($sql_string){
$data = self::dbQuery($sql_string)->fetchAll();
return $data;
public static function Value($sql_string){
$data = self::dbQuery($sql_string)->fetchColumn();
return $data;
This is the progress of the class so far and it seems to be working great. Special Thanks to Phil for all the support.
Any other recommendations are welcome and will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again.
Original question
Basically I am trying to build a db access class that I can use with the following syntax
$test = db::dbDataArray("SELECT * FROM fw_settings");
The class will create the connection if one is not present so I can just call the methods from the class anytime without needing to create a new instance.
Here is what I have so far for the structure with a single function. Once I can get the status class to work on a single query item I will add all the other functions.
class db
public $connection;
const __DB__HOST__ = __DB__HOST__;
const __DB_USERNAME__ = __DB_USERNAME__;
const __DB_PASSWORD__ = __DB_PASSWORD__;
const __DB_NAME__ = __DB_NAME__;
function __construct() {
if (self::$connection == null){
self::$connection = mysql_connect(__DB_HOST__,__DB_USERNAME__,__DB_PASSWORD__)
or die('Unable to Connect to SQL Host'.__DB_HOST__);
or die('Unable to Select DB: '.__DB_NAME__);
//Regular SQL query such as delete, update, etc.
public static function dbQuery($sql_string) {
//Handle the rest of the SQL query here
if (!$sqlResult = mysql_query($sql_string, self::$connection) ){
//Let's output the MySQL error if we have one
<div style="border:1px solid red;color:red;background:yellow;">
SQL Error:'. mysql_error(self::$connection).'
else {
//Return the sql result
if (strpos($sql_string, "DELETE")){
if (mysql_affected_rows($sqlResult) > 0){
return $sqlResult;
return false;
return $sqlResult;
//Return all results from sqlquery in array
public static function dbDataArray($sql_string){
$data = array();
$dataQuery = self::dbQuery($sql_string);
$i = 1;
while(($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($dataQuery)) !== false){
foreach($row AS $key=>$val){
$data[$i][$key] = $val;
return $data;
The constants are defined in another file that is loaded before the class, so they will be present.
The error that I am getting right now is as follows.
Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: db::$connection
It looks like it is making the connection fine. I just can't access the connection using the dbQuery function. The dbQuery function is used in all the other functions.
This is just the start of the class, and it is based on a group of functions I was already using.
The ultimate goal once it is working is to be able to pass a database name to the class and access that database in that specific instance, so I can use multiple databases in the projects I am planning to use this in.