I have a very large dataset with a polygons and points with buffers around them. I would like to creat a new column in the points data which includes the number of polygons that point's buffer intersects.
Heres a simplified example:
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gp
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.geometry import Point
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
## Create polygons and points ##
df = gp.GeoDataFrame([['a',Polygon([(1, 0), (1, 1), (2,2), (1,2)])],
['b',Polygon([(1, 0.25), (2,1.25), (3,0.25)])]],
columns = ['name','geometry'])
df = gp.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry = 'geometry')
points = gp.GeoDataFrame( [['box', Point(1.5, 1.115), 4],
['triangle', Point(2.5,1.25), 8]],
columns=['name', 'geometry', 'value'],
##Set a buffer around the points##
buf = points.buffer(0.5)
points['buffer'] = buf
points = points.drop(['geometry'], axis = 1)
points = points.rename(columns = {'buffer': 'geometry'})
This data looks like this: What I'd like to do is create another column in the points dataframe that includes the number of polygons that point intersects.
I've tried utilising a for loop as such:
points['intersect'] = []
for geo1 in points['geometry']:
for geo2 in df['geometry']:
if geo1.intersects(geo2):
Which I would then sum to get the total number of intersects. However, I get the error: 'Length of values does not match length of index'. I know this is because it is attempting to assign three rows of data to a frame with only two rows.
How can I aggrigate the counts so the first point is assigned a value of 2 and the second a value of 1?