Unable to pass array from FORTRAN to C

2020-02-15 04:20发布


I am trying to pass a single dimension array from a FORTRAN program to C.

The C function is called but the values that it holds are garbage. But whereas if I try calling the same function using an integer variable I am able to pass the required value. Can anyone help me out with this?

The code I am using is similar to this

File: fortran_prog.f

program test
    real*4 :: a(4)
    data a / 1,2,3,4 /
    call test_func(a)
end program test

File: c_prog.c

int test_func(double a[]) {
    int i;

    for(i=0;i<4;i++) {

    return 0;


Passing arrays between Fortran and C is a non-trivial problem. The particular C and Fortran compilers matter.

The first problem I see is that you specify double to match real*4. That is certainly invalid on almost all platforms. Declare the C function as:

int test_func (float *a)

This could work on some platforms, though many Fortran compilers pass the address of an "array descriptor" and not the array itself. Check the documentation for the Fortran compiler.


program test_Cfunc

   use iso_c_binding
   implicit none

      function test_func (a) bind (C, name="test_func")
         integer (c_int) :: test_func
         real (c_double), dimension (1:4), intent (in) :: a
      end function test_func
   end interface

   real (c_double), dimension (1:4) :: a = [ 2.3, 3.4, 4.5, 5.6 ]
   integer (c_int) :: result

   result = test_func (a)
   write (*, *) result

end program test_Cfunc

Using the Fortran's ISO C Binding, the solution is portable to pairs of compilers from the same vendor, or combinations supported by the vendor of the Fortran compiler. You don't have to understand the passing conventions of particular compilers, nor deal with name-mangling by the Fortran compiler (that is override by the name clause of the bind). You describe the C routine to Fortran with an interface block, specifying C types with Fortran kind values provided in the ISO C Binding. There is a list of the kind types in the gfortran manual in the Chapter "Intrinsic Modules". Also see the Chapter "Mixed-Language Programming". Since the ISO C Binding is part of the language standard, this documentation is more general then just gfortran.