I am trying to sum in HTML,but template tag return 0 ,
def gen_Report(request):
### query returns below output
list=[{'total': 1744, 'user': u'x'}, {'total': 13, 'user': u'y'}, {'total': 126, 'user': u'z'}, {'total': 46, 'user': u'm'}, {'total': 4, 'user': u'n'}, {'total': 8, 'user': u'o'}, {'total': 3, 'user': u'p'}]
return render_to_response('user.html', locals(),
context_instance = RequestContext(request))
Template :
{% load temptags %}
<table id="myTable" class="tablesorter">
{% for fetch in list %}
{% endfor %}
<td>{{ list.total|running_total}}</td>
Template tag:
from django.template import Library
register = Library()
def running_total(list_total):
return sum(d.get('list_sum') for d in list_total)
output :
S.No user Count
1 x 1744
2 y 13
3 z 126
4 m 46
5 n 4
6 o 8
Sum------------------> 0 (it returns zero)
I am doing anything wrong here ?
can you please help me,how to return sum total using template tag here ?