I have a list of BsonDocument
var list = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>(collectionName);
var myIds = list.Find(_ => true)
that contains:
myIds = "{ { "_id" : "cc9d9282-c9d2-4cba-a776-ffddsds274d5" }, { "_id" : "2c1ddd82-c9d2-4dda-afr6-d79ff1274d56" }, { "_id" : "ss969281-c9d2-4cba-a776-d79ffds274d5" } }"
And want to query like this:
var deleted =list.DeleteMany(Builders<MessageExchange>.Filter.In("_id", myIds));
I also have tried the following:
var filter = new BsonDocument("_id", new BsonDocument("$in", new BsonArray(myIds)));
var deleted = list.DeleteMany(filter);
Returns the attribute DeletedCount = 0
Could somebody point what seems to be wrong about the filter?