I have a large database that contains results of an experiment for 1500 individuals. Each individual has 96 data points. I wrote the following script to summarize and then format the data so it can be used by the analysis software. At first all was good until I had more than 500 individuals. Now I am running out of memory.
I was wondering if anyone has a suggestion on now to overcome the memory limit problem without sacrificing speed.
This is how the table look in the database
fishId assayId allele1 allele2
14_1_1 1 A T
14_1_1 2 A A
$mysql = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost; dbname=aquatech_DB', $db_user, $db_pass);
$query = $mysql->prepare("SELECT genotyped.fishid, genotyped.assayid, genotyped.allele1, genotyped.allele2, fishId.sex, " .
"fishId.role FROM `fishId` INNER JOIN genotyped ON genotyped.fishid=fishId.catId WHERE fishId.projectid=:project");
$query->bindParam(':project', $project, PDO::PARAM_INT);
So this is the call to the database. It is joining information from two tables to build the file I need.
$error = $query->errorInfo();
} else {
$data = array();
$rows = array();
if($results = $query->fetchAll()){
foreach($results as $row)
$rows[] = $row[0];
$role[$row[0]] = $row[5];
$data[$row[0]][$row[1]]['alelleY'] = $row[2];
$data[$row[0]][$row[1]]['alelleX'] = $row[3];
$rows = array_unique($rows);
foreach($rows as $ids)
$col2 = $role[$ids];
$alelleX = $alelleY = $content = "";
foreach($snp as $loci)
$alelleY = convertAllele($data[$ids][$loci]['alelleY']);
$alelleX = convertAllele($data[$ids][$loci]['alelleX']);
$content .= "$alelleY\t$alelleX\t";
$body .= "$ids\t$col2\t" . substr($content, 0, -1) . "\n";
This parses the data. In the file I need I have to have one row per individual rather than 96 rows per individual, that is why the data has to be formatted. In the end of the script I just write $body to a file.
I need the output file to be
FishId Assay 1 Assay 2
14_1_1 A T A A
$location = "results/" . "$filename" . "_result.txt";
$fh = fopen("$location", 'w') or die ("Could not create destination file");
if(fwrite($fh, $body))