I've searched extensively for the past few days and can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I've written a script using Python 2.7.3 and ElementTree to parse an XML file and edit an attribute buried deep within the XML file. The script works fine. I had a meeting late last week with the customer who informed me the target platform will be CentOS. I thought, no problem. To test on the anticipated platform I created a CentOS VMWare client and much to my surprise my script crapped the bed, giving me the error message, "SyntaxError: expected path separator ([)" In the course of my researching the nature of this error message I learned that CentOS 6.4 supports Python 2.6.6, which contains an older version of ElementTree that does not have support for searching for attributes [@attribute] syntax.
This customer won't upgrade Python on the platform, nor will they install additional libraries, so lxml is not an option for me. My question is, can I somehow still access the buried attribute and edit it without the ElementTree support for the [@attribute] facilities?
Here's an example of the kind of XML I'm dealing with:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<car vendor="Ford"/>
<line transmission='manual'/>
<choice id='manual' title="Dealership">
<pkg-deal id='manual' auth='manager'>.</pkg-deal>
<choice id='manual' title='Dealership'/>
<choice id='manual' DealerLocation='Dealer_Loc'/>
<choices-outline color='color_choice'>
<line choice='blue'/>
<choice id='cars' GroupID='convertables'>
<pkg-deal id='model.Taurus' version="SEL" arguments='LeatherInterior' enabled='XMRadio'>Taurus</pkg-deal>
<pkg-deal id='model.Mustang' version="GT" enabled='SIRIUSRadio'>Mustang</pkg-deal>
<pkg-deal id='model.Focus' version="SE" enabled='XMRadio'>Focus</pkg-deal>
<pkg-deal id='model.Fairlane'>Fairlane</pkg-deal>
<pkg-deal id='model.Fusion' version="SE" arguments='ClothInerior'>Fusion</pkg-deal>
<pkg-deal id='model.Fiesta' version="S Hatch" enabled="SIRIUSRadio">Fiesta</pkg-deal>
Here's a snippet of the successful Python 2.7.3 code that breaks under Python 2.6.6:
if self.root.iterfind('pkg-deal'):
self.deal = self.root.find('.//pkg-deal[@id="model.fusion"]')
self.arg = str(self.deal.get('arguments'))
if self.arg.find('with Scotchguard=') > 0:
QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, 'DealerAssist', 'The selected car is already updated. Nothing to do.')
self.deal.set('arguments', self.arg + ' with Scotchguard')
Is there a way I can modify the first line of this 'if' statement block that will allow me to edit the 'arguments' attribute of the Fusion element? Or am I relegated to implementing libxml2, which promises to be a real pain?...