I just started my assembly journey like recently, so obviously I'm a newbie, I've been writing fairly simple and basic programs and I just noticed something weird (to me).
a program giving the count of numbers in a table ending with 111 in binary
entry point:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
extern "C" auto _start(void *, void *)->void;
auto print_msg(char *msg) {
std::cout << msg;
auto print_int(uint64_t val) {
std::cout << val;
auto main()->int {
_start(print_int, print_msg);
std::cout << std::endl;
_tab dw 65535, 61951, 61949, 61925, 61927, 61734, 61735, 61728
_LENGTH = ($ - _tab) / 2
_msg_1 db 'There are ', 0
_msg_2 db ' numbers ending with 111 in binary!', 0
_start proc
push r15
push r14
sub rsp, 32 + 16
mov r14, rcx
mov r15, rdx
xor rcx, rcx
xor r9, r9
lea r8, _tab
_LOOP: movzx rax, word ptr [r8]
and rax, 111b
cmp rax, 111b
jz _INC
jmp _END_IF
_INC: inc rcx
_END_IF: inc r9
add r8, 2
cmp r9, _LENGTH
jne _LOOP
mov [rsp + 32], rcx
lea rcx, _msg_1
call r15
mov rcx, [rsp + 32]
sub rsp, 8
call r14
add rsp, 8
lea rcx, _msg_2
call r15
add rsp, 32 + 16
pop r14
pop r15
_start endp
if I comment "sub rsp, 8" and "add rsp, 8" around "call r14" out, the program will crash immediately, that doesn't make sense to me, I want to know why it happens, and also, if I replace "mov [rsp + 32], rcx" and "mov rcx, [rsp + 32]" with "push rcx" and "pop rcx", the output will be garbage, I'm also curious about that