Hide some datagridview checkbox cell

2020-02-14 06:50发布


I have a datagridview showing installments of a loan. I created a datagridviewcheckbox column so then I can select all the installments i want to pay for.

This is a screen of the datagrid:

My issue is that I need to disable the checkboxes of the paid intallments. In this case, when "Restante" (what´s left to pay) is = 0.

I read some posts where they used the paint event to not show the checkbox cell, but i didnt like that solution. I thought of hiding the checkbox cell, but i don´t know if it is possible to do that.

Thats what i tried:

foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgv_Cuotas.Rows)
                if (Convert.ToDecimal(dgv_Cuotas.Rows[row.Index].Cells[17].Value) == 0)
                    dgv_Cuotas.Rows[row.Index].Cells[16].Visible = false;

Obviously this does not works, I get a compiler error message saying that the property is read only.

Does somebody knows how to set the checkbox cell to invisible?

Just in case, I attach the DataGridViewCheckboxColumn creation code:

DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn chbox = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn();
                chbox.CellTemplate = new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell();
                chbox.HeaderText = "";
                chbox.Name = "Seleccionar";
                chbox.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.DisplayedCells;
                chbox.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Standard;
            dgv_Cuotas.Columns.Insert(16, chbox);
            dgv_Cuotas.Columns[16].DisplayIndex = 0;


Some considerations:

I use the cell content click event to handle the checkboxes, so readonly wont work. What I want is to hide the checkbox:

private void dgv_Cuotas_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
        if (e.RowIndex == -1)
        if (dgv_Cuotas.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name == "Seleccionar")
            DataGridViewRow row = dgv_Cuotas.Rows[e.RowIndex];
            DataGridViewCheckBoxCell cellSeleccion = row.Cells["Seleccionar"] as DataGridViewCheckBoxCell;
            int n_cuota = Convert.ToInt32(dgv_Cuotas[2, dgv_Cuotas.CurrentRow.Index].Value);
            Cuota cuota_seleccionada = new Cuota();
            cuota_seleccionada = Lista_cuotas.Where(x => x.num_cuota == n_cuota).First();

            if (cellSeleccion != null && Convert.ToBoolean(cellSeleccion.Value) == true)
                cellSeleccion.Value = false;
                Actualizar_cuotas_seleccionadas(false, cuota_seleccionada);
                if (cellSeleccion != null && Convert.ToBoolean(cellSeleccion.Value) == false)
                    cellSeleccion.Value = true;
                    Actualizar_cuotas_seleccionadas(true, cuota_seleccionada);

In the other hand, I´m already using the Onpaint event. Its inherited, thats why I´m trying to avoid using it.


Yes, you can do this by Converting the DataGridViewCheckBoxCell to DataGridViewTextBoxCell

        foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.Rows)
            if (dataGridView1.Rows[row.Index].Cells[17].EditedFormattedValue.ToString().Length == 0) //  if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dataGridView1.Rows[row.Index].Cells[4].EditedFormattedValue.ToString()))
            if (Convert.ToDecimal(dataGridView1.Rows[row.Index].Cells[17].EditedFormattedValue) == 0)
                dataGridView1.Rows[row.Index].Cells[16].Value = null;
                dataGridView1.Rows[row.Index].Cells[16] = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell();

                //dgv_Cuotas.Rows[row.Index].Cells[16] = new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell();


Assign a value to the checkbox cell. Then Convert it to a TextBox with a new value. Worked for me.

dataGridView1.Rows[row.Index].Cells[16].Value = false;
dataGridView1.Rows[row.Index].Cells[16] = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell();
dataGridView1.Rows[row.Index].Cells[16].Value = "";


Use the cell's ReadOnly attribute to diable any modification.

If you want to turn it invisible, you need to override the painting code for the cells.


I took spajce's answer and tweaked it a bit to make it work for me.

for (var i = 0; i < datagridview1.Count; i++)
    if ((bool)datagridview1[0, i])
            datagridview1[0, i] = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell
                        Style = { ForeColor = Color.Transparent, 
                                  SelectionForeColor = Color.Transparent }

We're basically iterating through the rows and looking for a 'true' checked box. If it's checked then we're converting the box to a text box and setting its text color to Transparent so the cell looks empty. I hope this helps everyone who had this problem, I spent hours trying to find a workable answer.


Try to hide it and the value remains, which should prevent runtime errors.

dataGridView1.Rows[row.Index].Cells[16].Style.Padding =
new Padding(dataGridView1.Rows[row.Index].Cells[16].OwningColumn.Width, 0, 0, 0);


There are several ways to accomplish what you want.

For example, you can use the Readonly property of the cell to avoid the user to change the values and change the appeareance of the control to look grayed:

C# DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn Hide/Gray-Out


A simple and effective alternative is to use the chkbox ThreeState property. In code below, if my object does not have an email address, then I don't want to allow the user to tick the checkbox for sending email. To do this, the check box value is set to Unknown and read-only, which means it is displayed as "unselectable" and user cannot modify.

chk = DirectCast(row.Cells(m_idxEmailChecked), DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(contact.EmailAddress) Then
  chk.Value = enumTristate.Unknown
  chk.ReadOnly = True
  chk.ThreeState = False
End If

Note this also requires several associated ThreeState properties to be set on the checkbox.

        .ValueType = GetType(enumTristate)
        .TrueValue = enumTristate.True
        .FalseValue = enumTristate.False
        .IndeterminateValue = enumTristate.Unknown
        .ThreeState = True

Good luck.


I tried Charlie's way:

dataGridView1.Rows[row.Index].Cells[16].Value = false;
dataGridView1.Rows[row.Index].Cells[16] = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell();
dataGridView1.Rows[row.Index].Cells[16].Value = "";

I got fewer errors, but still kept getting them. So I tried to instantiate the new DataGridViewTextBoxCell separately, and that did the trick for me (I didn't need to set the checkbox cell value either):

DataGridViewTextBoxCell c = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell();
c.Value = "";
dataGridView1.Rows[row.Index].Cells[16] = c;

Hope that helps someone!