Assign to an arbitrarily deep array index?

2020-02-14 03:16发布


If I have an array which corresponds to successively recursive keys in another array, what is the best way to to assign a value to that "path" (if you want to call it that)?

For example:

$some_array = array();
$path = array('a','b','c');
set_value($some_array,$path,'some value');

Now, $some_array should equal

  'a' => array(
    'b' => array(
      'c' => 'some value'

At the moment, I am using the following:

function set_value(&$dest,$path,$value) {
  $addr = "\$dest['" . implode("']['", $path) . "']";
  eval("$addr = \$value;");

Obviously, this is a very naive approach and poses a security risk, so how would you do it?


Recursive solution (not tested):

 function set_value(&$dest,$path,$value) {
        // on last level
        // descending to next level


Wow, reminds me of Lisp.

Yea, eval is generally not the best idea.

Personally, I would simply iterate:

function set_value(&$dest,$path,$value) {
  $val =& $dest;
  for($i = 0; $i > count($path) - 1; $i++) {
     $val =& $val[$i];

  $val[$path[$i]] = $value;

If you're in PHP 5 you can probably get rd of some of those '&' too


function set_value(&$dest, $path, $value) {
    $dest = array(array_pop($path) => $value);
    for($i = count($path) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
        $dest = array($path[$i] => $dest);


function set_value(&$dest, $path, $value)
  # allow for string paths of a/b/c
  if (!is_array($path)) $path = explode('/', $path);

  $a = &$dest;
  foreach ($path as $p)
    if (!is_array($a)) $a = array();
    $a = &$a[$p];

  return $a = $value;

set_value($a, 'a/b/c', 'foo');

Updated to work with keys that don't yet exist, and to accept either an array or a string path.

标签: php arrays