In my swift program, I have a really long decimal number (say 17.9384693864596069567
) and I want to truncate the decimal to a few decimal places (so I want the output to be 17.9384
). I do not want to round the number to 17.9385
. How can I do this?
Help is appreciated!
Note: This is not a duplicate because they are using a very old version of swift, before some of these functions were made. Also, they are using floats and integers, whereas I am talking about doubles. And their question/answers are much more complicated.
You can tidy this up even more, by making it an extension of Double
extension Double
func truncate(places : Int)-> Double
return Double(floor(pow(10.0, Double(places)) * self)/pow(10.0, Double(places)))
and you use it like this
var num = 1.23456789
// return the number truncated to 2 places
print(num.truncate(places: 2))
// return the number truncated to 6 places
print(num.truncate(places: 6))
The code for specific digits after decimals is:
let number = 17.9384693864596069567;
let merichle = Float(String(format: "%.1f", (number * 10000)).dropLast(2))!/10000
//merichle = 17.9384
And ultimately, your number gets truncate without round...
I figured this one out.
Just floor (round down) the number, with some fancy tricks.
let x = 1.23556789
let y = Double(floor(10000*x)/10000) // leaves on first four decimal places
let z = Double(floor(1000*x)/1000) // leaves on first three decimal places
print(y) // 1.2355
print(z) // 1.235
So, multiply by 1 and the number of 0s being the decimal places you want, floor that, and divide it by what you multiplied it by. And voila.
Drag/Drop Solution, IOS, Swift 4
Copy this code into your application...
import Foundation
func truncateDigitsAfterDecimal(number: Double, afterDecimalDigits: Int) -> Double {
if afterDecimalDigits < 1 || afterDecimalDigits > 512 {return 0.0}
return Double(String(format: "%.\(afterDecimalDigits)f", number))!
Then you can call this function like:
truncateDigitsAfterDecimal(number: 45.123456789, afterDecimalDigits: 3)
Will produce the following:
extension Double {
/// Rounds the double to decimal places value
func roundToPlaces(_ places:Int) -> Double {
let divisor = pow(10.0, Double(places))
return (self * divisor).rounded() / divisor
func cutOffDecimalsAfter(_ places:Int) -> Double {
let divisor = pow(10.0, Double(places))
return (self*divisor).rounded(.towardZero) / divisor
let a:Double = 1.228923598
print(a.roundToPlaces(2)) // 1.23
print(a.cutOfDecimalsAfter(2)) // 1.22