I am using Chart.js pie chart and I'd like to remove white lines between slices. Could someone tell me way to do this ? Thanks in advance
I didn't see anything in the documenation.
<div class="pie-chart">
<div id="canvas-holder">
<canvas id="chart-area" width="250" height="250"/>
For newer versions of Chart.js (i.e. 2.2.2 and higher), see @grebenyuksv's answer.
This answer was added for an older version of Chart.js (i.e. 1.0.2)
Original answer
Just configure the options for the chart to hide the line
segmentShowStroke: false
Something like this:
//create chart
var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext("2d");
var data = [{
value: 300,
color: "#F7464A",
highlight: "#FF5A5E",
label: "Red"
}, {
value: 50,
color: "#46BFBD",
highlight: "#5AD3D1",
label: "Green"
}, {
value: 100,
color: "#FDB45C",
highlight: "#FFC870",
label: "Yellow"
var options = {
//Boolean - Whether we should show a stroke on each segment
// set to false to hide the space/line between segments
segmentShowStroke: false
// For a pie chart
var myPieChart = new Chart(ctx).Pie(data, options);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/1.0.2/Chart.js"></script>
<canvas id="myChart" width="200" height="200"></canvas>
In chart.js@2.2.2 (haven't tested for chart.js@2.x.x):
const options = {
elements: {
arc: {
borderWidth: 0
For newest Chartjs like 2.7.2 just put: borderWidth: 0
in the data
var ctx = $('#progress-chart');
var data = {
datasets: [{
data: [25, 50, 25],
backgroundColor: ['red', 'green', 'blue'],
borderWidth: 0, //this will hide border
// These labels appear in the legend and in the tooltips when hovering different arcs
labels: [
var progressChart = new Chart(ctx,{
type: 'pie',
data: data,
options: Chart.defaults.pie
<canvas id="progress-chart" width="500" height="250"> </canvas>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.7.2/Chart.min.js">
datasets: [
label: "TeamB Score",
data: [20, 35, 40, 60, 50],
backgroundColor: [
borderColor: [
borderWidth: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
Chart.defaults.global.elements.arc.borderWidth = 0;
Place it at the beginning of your javascript code.