i know some of you are going to say that this isnt the correct way but im on a tight deadline to finish an application and as of now i cant go back and modify the code to store the images in a directory.
now that thats cleared
the question i had is i inserted an image into the database by typing this.
(dont mind the class security call, all that is doing is a few checks if the data is valid)
$filename = $security->secure($_FILES['imgschool']['name']);
$tmpname = $security->secure($_FILES['imgschool']['tmp_name']);
$imgsize = $security->secure($_FILES['imgschool']['size']);
$imgtype = $security->secure($_FILES['imgschool']['type']);
$school = $security->secure($_POST['school']);
//begin upload
if($imgsize > 0) {
$handle = fopen($tmpname, "r");
$content = fread($handle, filesize($tmpname));
$content = addslashes($content);
//code to add all this to database
the variable $content is the image and all its getting is the addslashes. i remember someone once mentioning to do it with something called base64 but i can barely recall how it was written.
this is how i am calling the image from the database
aside from all the queries and whatnot this is the main part that is calling the image
header("Content-length: ".$imgsize);
header("Content-type: ".$imgtype);
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$imgname);
print $row['img'];
the problem i am having is that instead of the image showing. the url is only showing, so in this case i only see this
when opening the page to view the image with the correct params set in the url.
for those that wanted to see the query that is being done to save the image and so forth i copied the whole section
//save image to db
if(isset($_POST['btnupload'])) {
$filename = $security->secure($_FILES['imgschool']['name']);
$tmpname = $security->secure($_FILES['imgschool']['tmp_name']);
$imgsize = $security->secure($_FILES['imgschool']['size']);
$imgtype = $security->secure($_FILES['imgschool']['type']);
$school = $security->secure($_POST['school']);
//begin upload
if($imgsize > 0) {
$handle = fopen($tmpname, "r");
$content = fread($handle, filesize($tmpname));
$content = base64_encode($content);
$save = mysql_query("insert into tbl_schoolgallery(id,hash,img,imgtype,imgsize) values(null,'$school','$content','$imgtype','$imgsize')") or die(mysql_error());
header("Location: school-catalog.php?page=school_gallery");
//call image from db
$query = mysql_query("select * from $tbl where id = '$id'") or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
$imgtypeget = explode("/", $row['imgtype']);
$imgname = "img.".$imgtypeget[1];
$imgtype = $row['imgtype'];
$imgsize = $row['imgsize'];
header("Content-length: ".$imgsize);
header("Content-type: ".$imgtype);
print base64_decode($row['img']);
print $row['img'];