Hey so I am using backbone localstorage and every time someone hits the search button I want to clear the localstorage so I can just add the new data to the localStorage.
Also, trying to figure out how to then redirect the user to a new view after the success callback in for the localstorage being set, I know there is view.remove() but I am not sure how to use that being that the callback is within the view and also, where/how to render the new view...
Let's say the new view is PageView...
Here is the code for the current search view:
], function($, _, Backbone, SearchM, SearchT){
var Search = Backbone.View.extend({
model: SearchM,
el: $("#Sirius"),
events: {
'submit #searchMusic': 'search'
search: function (e) {
//create new instance of the model
searchM = new SearchM();
//post instance to the server with the following input fields
channel: this.$('#channel').val(),
week: this.$('#week').val(),
year: this.$('#year').val(),
filter: this.$('#filter').val()
},{success: storeMusic});
// on success store music on client-side localStorage
function storeMusic (model, response, options) {
//create new instance of the localStorage with the key name
searchM.localStorage = new Backbone.LocalStorage("music");
function clearLocalStorage () {
//removes the items of the localStorage
//pops out the first key in the records
function saveToLocalStorage (response) {
searchM.save({music: response}, {success: nextPage});
function nextPage () {
console.log('entered next page');
searchM.set('display', true);
render: function () {
return Search;
Container view:
], function($, _, Backbone, SearchV, SearchT){
var Container = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $("#Sirius"),
render: function () {
var search = new SearchV();
this.$el.html( SearchT );
this.listenTo(searchM, 'change:display', console.log('changed MODEL'));
return Container;
Here is the model:
], function(_, Backbone) {
var Search = Backbone.Model.extend({
url: '/music',
defaults: {
display: false
return Search;
----------------EDIT Confused with below
This is the container and SearchM(model), SearchV(view), SearchT(template)...
var Container = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $("#Sirius"),
render: function () {
searchM = new SearchM();
//VIEW Created
var search = new SearchV();
this.$el.html( SearchT );
return Container;
This is the search View - so I took out the model from here, but calling this or this.model actually does not work, as searchM is not defined and the model does not seemed to be passed in... I only added the two methods so ignore the rest for now, if I can make these work then everything can follow suit
var Search = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $("#Sirius"),
events: {
'submit #searchMusic': 'search'
search: function (e) {
//post instance to the server with the following input fields
channel: this.$('#channel').val(),
week: this.$('#week').val(),
year: this.$('#year').val(),
filter: this.$('#filter').val()
},{success: storeMusic()});
function nextPage () {
console.log('entered next page');
searchM.set('display', true);
this.listenTo(searchM, 'change:display', console.log('changed MODEL'));