I'm also try to draw arc (I'm referencing on this and this questions). I'll get from web service following:
- Lat and Lng
- Radius (in meters)
- Start angle (end angle is startA + 60 degrees)
Now I encounter on following problem because I do not have two LatLng, just one, and in new map api v2 there is no radius = Projection.metersToEquatorPixels method for providing to RectF.set(point.x - radius,...)
Do you have code example, links, etc?
Also what about performances of App, because I'll have up to 500 arcs on map?
Starting from a LatLng point you can calculate another LatLng point in a given distance (radius) and a given angle as follows:
private static final double EARTHRADIUS = 6366198;
* Move a LatLng-Point into a given distance and a given angle (0-360,
* 0=North).
public static LatLng moveByDistance(LatLng startGp, double distance,
double angle) {
* Calculate the part going to north and the part going to east.
double arc = Math.toRadians(angle);
double toNorth = distance * Math.cos(arc);
double toEast = distance * Math.sin(arc);
double lonDiff = meterToLongitude(toEast, startGp.latitude);
double latDiff = meterToLatitude(toNorth);
return new LatLng(startGp.latitude + latDiff, startGp.longitude
+ lonDiff);
private static double meterToLongitude(double meterToEast, double latitude) {
double latArc = Math.toRadians(latitude);
double radius = Math.cos(latArc) * EARTHRADIUS;
double rad = meterToEast / radius;
double degrees = Math.toDegrees(rad);
return degrees;
private static double meterToLatitude(double meterToNorth) {
double rad = meterToNorth / EARTHRADIUS;
double degrees = Math.toDegrees(rad);
return degrees;