I am using SQL Server 2012. i have a table with 90 columns. I am trying to select only columns that contains data. After searching i used the following procedure:
1- Getting all columns count using one select query
2- Pivoting Result Table into a Temp table
3- Creating Select query
4- Executing this query
Here is the query i used:
DECLARE @strTablename varchar(100) = 'dbo.MyTable'
DECLARE @strQuery varchar(max) = ''
DECLARE @strSecondQuery varchar(max) = 'SELECT '
DECLARE @strUnPivot as varchar(max) = ' UNPIVOT ([Count] for [Column] IN ('
CREATE TABLE ##tblTemp([Column] varchar(50), [Count] Int)
SELECT @strQuery = ISNULL(@strQuery,'') + 'Count([' + name + ']) as [' + name + '] ,' from sys.columns where object_id = object_id(@strTablename) and is_nullable = 1
SELECT @strUnPivot = ISNULL(@strUnPivot,'') + '[' + name + '] ,' from sys.columns where object_id = object_id(@strTablename) and is_nullable = 1
SET @strQuery = 'SELECT [Column],[Count] FROM ( SELECT ' + SUBSTRING(@strQuery,1,LEN(@strQuery) - 1) + ' FROM ' + @strTablename + ') AS p ' + SUBSTRING(@strUnPivot,1,LEN(@strUnPivot) - 1) + ')) AS unpvt '
INSERT INTO ##tblTemp EXEC (@strQuery)
SELECT @strSecondQuery = @strSecondQuery + '[' + [Column] + '],' from ##tblTemp WHERE [Count] > 0
DROP TABLE ##tblTemp
SET @strSecondQuery = SUBSTRING(@strSecondQuery,1,LEN(@strSecondQuery) - 1) + ' FROM ' + @strTablename
EXEC (@strSecondQuery)
The problem is that this query is TOO SLOW. Is there a best way to achieve this?
- Table have only one clustered index on primary key Column
and does not contains any other indexes. - Table is not editable.
- Table contains very large data.
- Query is taking about 1 minute to be executed
Thanks in advance.