Is is possible import template tag with ES2015?

2020-02-13 03:48发布


I'd been reading but I don't find anything if is it possible define in a different html file and import with ESModule to use with shadowRoot, could be?

index.html, where I define2 javscript modules and use my component <hello-world></hello-world>

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>My First Component</title>
    <meta name="description" content="My First Component">
    <meta name="author" content="Ismael Rodriguez">
    <script type="module" src="js/my-template.js"></script>
    <script type="module" src="js/component.js"></script>
        <template id="my-template">
            <h2>Hello World</h2>

    <h1>Web Component</h1>

js/my-template.js, In this module only export a string which has tags html.

export const template = `
        h3 {
            color: red;
            font-family: helvetica;
    <h3>Hello World</h3>

js/component.js, Finally import the module my-template.js. I have found this way to interpret the template from my module using ESmodule. How Could I import the template and use in my component (with firefox support)?

import {template} from './my-template.js';

class HelloWorld extends HTMLElement{

        let shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'})
        const t = this.createTemplate(template);
        const instance = t.content.cloneNode(true);

        const t = document.querySelector('#my-template');
        const instance = t.content.cloneNode(true);


        const template = document.createElement('template');
        html = html.trim();
        template.innerHTML = html;
        return template;



You can only import Javascript files as ES6 Modules.

If you wan to import a element, you'll need to put it a Javascript file, for example by using a template literal string.


export var template = `<template>
    <h1>Content title</h1>

But it doesn't make sense. Instead you could define the content template directly.


export var literal1= `
    <h1>Content title</h1>


<div id=host></div>
<script type="module">
    import * as templates from './templates.js'
    host.attachShadow( {mode:'open'} )
        .innerHTML = templates.literal1

Alternatly, if you want to keep your DOM element in a HTML file, you can use fetch() to import a file, as demonstrated by the code snipped in this post about HTML Imports.