I have three different Perl programs. I want to access the value of a variable present in the first program in the other two Perl programs.
My first Perl program look like the following:
print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n";
use CGI;
use Cwd;
use utf8;
$q=new CGI;
my $ftpname="$a";
This program takes value from a text of HTML program. I need the value of the $ftpname variable in my other to Perl programs. How can I do that?
There can be more than one way to solve your problem.
- You can save the value of
in a text file and then read that text file in your other two programs.
- You can create a module that contains functions to act upon the value of
. Then you can call the proper moduleName::functionName with $a
as argument. A simple tutorial to get you started would be here.
- If you want to share variables anyway, you can have a module that acts as some sort of header file with the variable declarations (using the
keyword and/or exporting), and then this module is use
d in all of your other perl scripts and the variable is visible everywhere. See this answer. For more help on variable scope, you may read this reference: Coping with Scoping
The answer to your question is ultimately that you need to use sessions to save state information from one page to the next. CGI::Session::Tutorial
is a good for an introduction to the concept and some of the early alternatives.
Below you will find two scripts that demonstrate this practice. But first.
Always include use strict;
and use warnings;
at the top of each and every perl script you make. This will make you a better coder and help you find errors quicker. For more reasons check out: Why use strict and warnings?
Because you're using CGI
, you should also use CGI::Carp
. Simply include the following line after your use CGI;
statement: use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
Your problem is going to be solved by using CGI::Session
to save state information between pages. The below scripts save a variable in the first script that is used by the second. You should be able to adapt this to your 3 script scenario.
It's good that you're outputting an http header first thing, but let CGI
do that for you. Normally, I'd say use print $q->header();
. That will output the same header as you were doing manually. However, because we want CGI::Session
to be able to set a cookie, I'll be demonstrating the use of print $session->header();
This first script named step1.pl
sets a random variable and saves it to the session. Once it's set it provides a link to the next step.
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI::Session;
my $q = CGI->new;
my $session = CGI::Session->new($q) or die CGI->Session->errstr;
print $session->header();
$session->save_param($q, ['dependentvar']);
#$session->load_param($q, ['dependentvar']); # Uncomment this if you want the text field initialized when returning to the form.
# Random Page View Count
my $count = 1 + ($session->param('count') // 0);
$session->param('count' => $count);
print qq{
<head><title>Step 1</title></head>
<h3>Step 1</h3>
<p>Goal: Set a random value that must be initialized before proceeding to step 2.</p>
<p>Number of Page views this session: $count</p>
<div><form method="POST">};
print $q->textfield("dependentvar");
print $q->submit("set");
print qq{</form></div>};
if ($q->param('dependentvar')) {
print qq{<div>You have a value set, you can proceed to <a href="step2.pl">step 2</a></div>};
print qq{
And the second script, step2.pl
, which requires that the dependentvar is set before proceeding, and then lets the user perform some translations on the string.
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI::Session;
my $q = CGI->new;
my $session = CGI::Session->new($q) or die CGI->Session->errstr;
print $session->header();
my $var = $session->param('dependentvar');
# Verify that our dependent variable was set in the previous step.
if (!$var) {
print qq{
<head><title>Step 2</title></head>
<h3>Step 2</h3>
<p>You must set a value in <a href="step1.pl">step 1</a> before proceeding with step 2</p>
print qq{
<head><title>Step 2</title></head>
<h3>Step 2</h3>
<p>Goal: Take variable from <a href="step1.pl">Step 1</a> and perform some translations on it.</p>
<div><form method="POST">};
print q{<div>} . $q->checkbox('double') . q{</div>};
print q{<div>} . $q->checkbox('reverse') . q{</div>};
print q{<div>} . $q->checkbox('upper') . q{</div>};
print q{<div>} . $q->checkbox('lower') . q{</div>};
print q{<div>} . $q->checkbox('ucfirst') . q{</div>};
print q{<div>} . $q->checkbox('lcfirst') . q{</div>};
print q{<p>} . $q->submit("transform") . q{</p>};
print qq{</form></div>};
if ($q->param('transform')) {
my $newvar = $var;
$newvar x= 2 if $q->param('double');
$newvar = reverse $newvar if $q->param('reverse');
$newvar = uc $newvar if $q->param('upper');
$newvar = lc $newvar if $q->param('lower');
$newvar = ucfirst $newvar if $q->param('ucfirst');
$newvar = lcfirst $newvar if $q->param('lcfirst');
print qq{<div>$var -> $newvar</div>};
print qq{
This should serve as an introduction to the concept of sessions. There are other methods to pass a variable from one web script to the next, but as was discussed in CGI::Session::Tutorial
this methods are very fragile. Finally, please read that entire tutorial before applying this solution to your code.