I am having some trouble getting a ggplot2 facet_grid
plot working for an evaluation system. The plot renders well but I get the following error in the browser and console:
Error in : Faceting variables must have at least one value
This occurs every time I switch the brand entry based on the input input$brand
. The application doesn't crash but the error message is annoying.
I have prepared this reproducible example:
title: "Power ranking for mtcars"
runtime: shiny
orientation: rows
source_code: embed
```{r rows.print = 25}
mtcars_tidy <- mtcars %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column() %>%
rename(model = rowname) %>%
mutate(brand = gsub( " .*$", "", model )) %>%
mutate(model = model) %>%
select(brand, model, everything()) %>%
tidyr::gather(key = 'measure', value = "value", mpg:carb) %>%
mutate(ranking = as.factor(sample(x = c(1, 2, 3), size = n(), replace = TRUE))) %>%
mutate(power = case_when(
.$measure == "hp" & value > 200 | (.$measure == "cyl" & value == 8) ~ "high",
.$measure == "hp" & value < 200 | (.$measure == "cyl" & value == 8) ~ "medium",
.$measure == "hp" & value > 100 | (.$measure == "cyl" & value == 6) ~ "high",
.$measure == "hp" & value < 100 | (.$measure == "cyl" & value == 6) ~ "medium",
.$measure == "hp" & value > 50 | (.$measure == "cyl" & value == 6) ~ "high",
.$measure == "hp" & value < 50 | (.$measure == "cyl" & value == 6) ~ "medium",
.$measure == "hp" & value > 200 | (.$measure == "carb" & value > 4) ~ "high",
.$measure == "hp" & value < 200 | (.$measure == "carb" & value <= 4) ~ "medium",
.$measure == "hp" & value > 100 | (.$measure == "carb" & value > 2.8) ~ "high",
.$measure == "hp" & value < 100 | (.$measure == "carb" & value <= 2.8) ~ "medium",
.$measure == "hp" & value > 50 | (.$measure == "carb" & value > 2) ~ "high",
.$measure == "hp" & value < 50 | (.$measure == "carb" & value <= 2) ~ "medium",
TRUE ~ "low"
# Sidebar {.sidebar data-width="350"}
selectInput("brand", "Brand of the car",
choices = unique(mtcars_tidy$brand))
selectInput("model", "Car model",
choices = mtcars_tidy$model[mtcars_tidy$brand == levels(mtcars_tidy$brand)[1]])
brand <- input$brand
updateSelectInput(session, "model",
choices = mtcars_tidy$model[mtcars_tidy$brand == brand])
# when switching the brand of the car, input$brand this error pops up:
# Error in : Faceting variables must have at least one value
# Main
### Plot power ranking for each measure
nameorder <- make.unique(mtcars_tidy$measure[order(mtcars_tidy$power, mtcars_tidy$ranking)])
mtcars_tidy$measure <- factor(mtcars_tidy$measure, levels=nameorder,
ordered = TRUE)
dataset <- reactive({
subset(mtcars_tidy, brand == input$brand & model == input$model)
ggplot(dataset(), aes(x = ranking, y = measure)) +
geom_segment(aes(yend = measure), xend=0, color = "grey50") +
geom_point(size = 3, aes(colour = power)) +
scale_colour_brewer(palette="Set1", limits = c("high","medium", "low")) +
theme_bw() +
theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_blank()) + # No horizontal grid lines
facet_grid(power ~ ., scales="free_y", space="free_y") +
ggtitle(paste0("Brand: ", input$brand, ", Model: " , input$model))
EDIT 1: I changed facet_grid
to facet_wrap
but the error still there.
EDIT 2: As per suggestion, I switched to facet_wrap
with this formula: p <- p + facet_wrap(power ~ .)
. Still same error. I also tried this other formula
p <- p + facet_wrap(power ~ ranking)
. Error still there.
EDIT 3: On the facet_wrap
function I also tried with these formulas as well:
facet_wrap(~power )
facet_wrap(vars(power ))
facet_wrap(vars(power , ranking))
The error is still the same (identical). No change (Error in : Faceting variables must have at least one value
EDIT 4: If I try with facet_wrap(power)
, the error is even worse because crashes Shiny with this mouthful:
Error: Column `function (lambda = 1) \n{\n if (!is.numeric(lambda) || is.na(lambda)) \n stop("invalid argument 'lambda'")\n if (lambda <= 0) \n return(make.link("log"))\n if (lambda == 1) \n return(make.link("identity"))\n linkfun <- function(mu) mu^lambda\n linkinv <- function(eta) pmax(eta^(1/lambda), .Machine$double.eps)\n mu.eta <- function(eta) pmax((1/lambda) * eta^(1/lambda - \n 1), .Machine$double.eps)\n valideta <- function(eta) all(is.finite(eta)) && all(eta > \n 0)\n link <- paste0("mu^", round(lambda, 3))\n structure(list(linkfun = linkfun, linkinv = linkinv, mu.eta = mu.eta, \n valideta = valideta, name = link), class = "link-glm")\n}` must be a 1d atomic vector or a list