Here is my problem:
I have made a small bar in the left side of the browserwindow #blokje{left:-180px; position:absolute;...}
, when users hover over the bar --> the position changes using #blokje:hover{left:0};
All this works fine, but now I've added a google adsense frame inside the div and... everything works fine except in IE (most used browser; ads...)
It looks like the div:hover disappears over the frame causing annoying flickering and users are unable to click ads !
I think that a possible solution would be to use jquery instead of css to perform the hover effect. Can someone translate my css for me to jQuery ?
#blokje{width:200px; height:200px; background:#F1F1F1; position:relative; left:-180px; color:black; }
#blokje #tit{position:absolute; width:30px; height:200px; background:black; right:0; top:0; }
fiddler explains the issue; please note that the problem is only in IE
The live example online in a test environment not cached (Note: it's about the bar in the left not the 404 error !)