Fragment interface communicating with another frag

2020-02-12 18:11发布


I have been over 2 references and tried my best to understand the communication between 2 fragments. With the help from a previous question on here + the 2 references I was able to come up with this code. What would I have to put in my FragB to retrieve the choice the user made in ListFragment FragA?

Main Activity:

public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnDataPass{

public void onDataPass(String data) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    FragA transaction1 = ((FragA) getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("ItemRoleList"));



Here is FragA:

public class FragA extends ListFragment{

OnDataPass dataPasser;

public interface OnDataPass{
    public void onDataPass(String data);

public void onAttach(Activity a) {

    // This makes sure that the container activity has implemented
    // the callback interface. If not, it throws an exception
    try {
        dataPasser = (OnDataPass) a;
    } catch (ClassCastException e) {
        throw new ClassCastException(a.toString()
                + " must implement OnHeadlineSelectedListener");


Here is what i understood. You have tow fragments(A, B) in an activity. A is a list fragment. on selecting an item in A, you have to pass a String to B.

First override onListItemClick() in your Fragment A


public class FragmentA extends ListFragment{

    void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id){
        datapasser.onDatapass(data)//here pass the String

In your activity's onDataPass method:

void onDataPass(String data){
    FragmentB dataUser = getFragmentB();//Your FragmentB object

Fragment B:

public class FragmentB extends Fragment{

    void use(String data){
        //here use the data


The way I have implemented this is by using the observer pattern. Pseudo code below:


public myActivity extends Activity implements OnDataPass {
    Observable fragmentData;

    void onDataPass(String data) { fragmentData = data; }

Fragment A


Fragment B

public FragmentB extends Fragment implements Observer {

onCreate(...) {

update(Object data) {
   // Voila - you will arrive here whenever the data is updated

Hope this helps...