I am having a terrible problem with crystal report 2010 for .net 4.0 (I am using the fixed 13.0.1 version but 13.0.4 is released). No matter which way I try, I am always getting a prompting dialogue box to input my one parameter value the first time.
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = CustomerReport1;
CustomerReport1.Database.Tables[0].SetDatasource ( this.dataset);
CustomerReport1.SetParameterValue("PathLocation", Location.Text);
CustomerReport1.Parameter_PathLocation.CurrentValues.Add(Location.Text) // to be safe using CS 2010 for .net 4
CrystalReportViewer1.ReuseReportParametersOnRefresh = true; // to prevent from showing again and again.
I also tried this:
CustomerReport1.Database.Tables[0].SetDatasource ( this.dataset);
CustomerReport1.SetParameterValue("PathLocation", Location.Text);
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = CustomerReport1;
And this:
CustomerReport1.Database.Tables[0].SetDatasource ( this.dataset);
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = CustomerReport1; // the parameter in the report has Optional Parameter = false, Static , Multiple Value = false .
Can anyone please help? I am getting frustrated with this. It worked in previous versions, but now I am getting this prompt box.
Thank you.