When I run my app into my iphone I have this Warning:
unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "".
My application Installed in iphone but it closed suddenly.
When I run my app into my iphone I have this Warning:
unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "".
My application Installed in iphone but it closed suddenly.
I had the same problem and basically did like posted in the comment:
The issue could be having your certificate set to always trust, that's the issue I had. If you're getting this warning that stops you from running apps on your device, this should fix everything.
I too had the same error unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer...
My mistake was that I had changed the trust setting of my distribution / developer cert to always trust
. When I changed it back to Use system Default
it all worked.
You are using Distribution certificate instead of Development Certificate if you are able to install app in debug mode but it closes automatically once installation completed.
One of the way to resolve IOS Codesigning issue is follow following Document.
iOS Code Signing Troubleshooting
And Run the following command to know the excact issue
spctl -a -t exec -vv <app-path>
One More Tip
After changing anything in system always clean & build your project to know if solution got applied successfully or not.
It is also important to note that the physical device you are trying to deploy to must be listed in the allowed devices list for that provisioning profile -> you can see this here in the tooltip that pops up from your cert information -> you want to make sure that your device is listed in the "Devices" section.
You can add / remove devices when you create the provisioning profile on the apple developer portal website.
Cert popup