The problem consists on the binding to a UIBarButtonItem, the code works on Simulator, but on the device the property Enable doesn't work and the Clicked Works…
The same problem exists in the textViewItem, but this time neither the text or enable works.
public partial class ProcessDetailViewController : MvxBindingTouchViewController<ProcessDetailViewModel>
public ProcessDetailViewController (MvxShowViewModelRequest request)
: base (request,"ProcessDetailViewController", null)
public override void DidReceiveMemoryWarning ()
// Releases the view if it doesn't have a superview.
base.DidReceiveMemoryWarning ();
// Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use.
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
new Dictionary<object, string>()
{ this.lblSeguradoraNome , "{'Text':{'Path':'AssuranceCompanyID'}}" },
{ this.lblSeguradoraGestor , "{'Text':{'Path':'AssuranceManager'}}" },
{ this.lblApoliceData , "{'Text':{'Path':'InsurancePolicyStartDate'}}" },
{ this.lblApoliceNum , "{'Text':{'Path':'InsurancePolicyNumber'}}" },
{ this.lblApoliceRamo , "{'Text':{'Path':'InsurancePolicyBranch'}}" },
{ this.lblDataPedido , "{'Text':{'Path':'RequestDate'}}" },
{ this.lblGestor , "{'Text':{'Path':'InternalManager'}}" },
{ this.lblLocalRiscoCodPostal , "{'Text':{'Path':'InsurancedLocationAddressCityZipCode'}}" },
{ this.lblLocalRiscoConcelho , "{'Text':{'Path':'InsurancedLocationAddressCity'}}" },
{ this.lblLocalRiscoMorada , "{'Text':{'Path':'InsurancedLocationAddress'}}" },
{ this.lblPerito , "{'Text':{'Path':'Surveyer'}}" },
{ this.lblSeguradoCodPostal , "{'Text':{'Path':'InsuredPersonAddressCityZipCode'}}" },
{ this.lblSeguradoConcelho , "{'Text':{'Path':'InsuredPersonAddressCity'}}" },
{ this.lblSeguradoContacto , "{'Text':{'Path':'InsuredPersonPhone'}}" },
{ this.lblSeguradoMorada , "{'Text':{'Path':'InsuredPersonAddress'}}" },
{ this.lblSeguradoNome , "{'Text':{'Path':'InsuredPersonName'}}" },
{ this.btnDownload , "{'Clicked':{'Path':'DownloadProcessButton'},'Enabled':{'Path':'HideIfDownloaded'}}" },
{ this.btnTerminarVisita , "{'Clicked':{'Path':'EndVisitButton'},'Enabled':{'Path':'ShowIfOnVisit'}}" },
{ this.btnObterLocalizacao , "{'Clicked':{'Path':'AdquireLocationButton'},'Enabled':{'Path':'ShowIfOnVisit'}}" },
{ this.btnIniciarVisita , "{'Clicked':{'Path':'BeginVisitButton'},'Enabled':{'Path':'HideIfOnVisit'}}" },
{ this.btnTirarFoto , "{'Clicked':{'Path':'TakePhotoButton'},'Enabled':{'Path':'ShowIfOnVisit'}}" },
{ this.btnVoltar , "{'Clicked':{'Path':'ReturnButton'}}" },
{ this.btnUpload , "{'Clicked':{'Path':'UploadProcessButton'},'Enabled':{'Path':'CanUpload'}}" },
// var a= NavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItems[0].Enabled
// Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
public override void ViewDidUnload ()
base.ViewDidUnload ();
// Clear any references to subviews of the main view in order to
// allow the Garbage Collector to collect them sooner.
// e.g. myOutlet.Dispose (); myOutlet = null;
ReleaseDesignerOutlets ();
public override bool ShouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation (UIInterfaceOrientation toInterfaceOrientation)
// Return true for supported orientations
return true;
public class ProcessDetailViewModel : ProcessNavigationBaseViewModel
public class ProcessNavigationBaseViewModel : BaseViewModel
#region Properties
private Process _currentProcess;
private static User _user;
private bool _isGPSLocationStarted;
private double _latitude;
private double _longitude;
private string _photoFilename = "";
public Process CurrentProcess
return _currentProcess;
_currentProcess = value;
FirePropertyChanged(() => CurrentProcess);
public User User
get { return _user; }
_user = value;
FirePropertyChanged(() => User);
private bool _isDownloaded
return CurrentProcess.IsLockedInServer && !(CurrentProcess.ProcessState == ProcessState.WaitingReportProduction.ToString());
CurrentProcess.IsLockedInServer = value;
FirePropertyChanged(() => ShowIfDownloaded);
FirePropertyChanged(() => HideIfDownloaded);
public bool ShowIfDownloaded
get { return _isDownloaded; }
public bool HideIfDownloaded
get { return !_isDownloaded; }
public bool CanUpload
get { return ( CurrentProcess.ProcessState == ProcessState.WaitingUpload.ToString()); }
public bool CanDownload
get { return (CurrentProcess.ProcessState != ProcessState.WaitingReportProduction.ToString() &&
CurrentProcess.ProcessState == ProcessState.WaitingSurveyorAcceptionDecision.ToString()) ; }
public bool ShowIfOnVisit
get { return (CurrentProcess.ProcessState == ProcessState.OnVisist.ToString()); }
public bool HideIfOnVisit
get { return (!(CurrentProcess.ProcessState == ProcessState.OnVisist.ToString())) && ShowIfDownloaded; }
public string ProcessDescription
return string.Format("{0} - {1}", CurrentProcess.ProcessNumber, CurrentProcess.RequestedService.RequestedServiceType);
Thanks in advance
The Application Output: 2013-01-11 09:16:56.369 LinkFENACAMSIGEPMobileUIIPad[6496:c07] Navigation: Diagnostic: 2.24 Navigate to MainMenuViewModel with args
2013-01-11 09:16:56.369 LinkFENACAMSIGEPMobileUIIPad[6496:c07] TouchNavigation: Diagnostic: 2.24 Navigate requested
2013-01-11 09:16:56.421 LinkFENACAMSIGEPMobileUIIPad[6496:c07] MvxBind: Warning: 2.29 Unable to bind to source is null
2013-01-11 09:16:56.423 LinkFENACAMSIGEPMobileUIIPad[6496:c07] MvxBind: Warning: 2.29 Unable to bind to source is null
[EDIT 20130111:11:12] - Linker Behavior: Link SDK assemblies only
Similiar To: MvvmCross Monotouch - Fail to bind Properties on a real iPad, but it works on the Simulator (I Can't make this work...)