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Closed 6 years ago.
How can I make this.getElementsByClassName('class')[0]
work for Internet Explorer 6-8? Is there any polyfill to fix this?
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Closed 6 years ago.
How can I make this.getElementsByClassName('class')[0]
work for Internet Explorer 6-8? Is there any polyfill to fix this?
Just for the record, older browsers are still alive because people keep making efforts to support them.
Polyfill for document.getElementsByClassName
With that said, a short google search could have brought you to this link: https://gist.github.com/eikes/2299607
The polyfill for IE6/7 is like this:
if (d.evaluate) { // IE6, IE7
pattern = ".//*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' " + search + " ')]";
elements = d.evaluate(pattern, d, null, 0, null);
while ((i = elements.iterateNext())) {
Based on the document.evaluate
EDIT: Polyfill for element.getElementsByClassName
You seem to want to call the getElementsByClassName method on a HTML element instead of on the document. Unfortunately i don't think you can polyfill that on IE6 and 7 (and even 8), as this answer seems to suggest: How to add my own methods to HTMLElement object?
You can still use document.evaluate
to acomplish the functionality you want (hint: the second parameter is a context node; it should be your element), but you need to change the calling code to something like this:
<div onclick="myPolyfill('class', this)[0].innerHTML = 'works'">