I have a INI file wich contains c:/wamp
many times.
How can I replace this text with the {app}
extended/chosen constant value?
I know now how to replace a single value:
Filename: "{app}\wampmanager.conf"; Section: "main"; Key: "installDir"; String: """{app}"""
I am reading from here
This is risky solution as TLama says.
You have to call this procedure at some point, e.g. on ssDone
or as an AfterInstall
procedure Update;
A: AnsiString;
U: String;
LoadStringFromFile(ExpandConstant('{app}\wampmanager.conf'), A);
U := A;
StringChange(U, 'c:/wamp', ExpandConstant('{app}'));
A := U;
SaveStringToFile(ExpandConstant('{app}\wampmanager.conf'), A, False);