I encountered a problem when I tried to use java from matlab. I read through the tutorials from MathWork.com several times, also I re-installed the JDK1.6, in order to be compatible with matlab. However, after my work, it still doesn't work...
Here is the contents in classpath.txt:
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2010a\java\jarext\xstream.jar
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2010a\toolbox\javabuilder\jar\win64 \javabuilder.jar
Clearly, the directory is included in the file. The connected_component_labeling is just a folder on my disk. The classes that I want to use in the connected_components_labeling are: Disjoint_Set.class and Node.class are in the connected_components_labeling folder.
I tried:
x = Disjoint_Set();
x = connected_components_labeling.Disjoint_Set();
None of them work. The only feedback I got from matlab is:
??? Undefined variable "connected_components_labeling" or class
I'm pretty frustrated. Could anyone help me out? I'd appreciate it. Thanks a ton!