
javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property not f

2020-02-12 09:01发布


I try to recuperate data from association ManyToMany but i can't, this is my code.

Entity Produit :

public class Produit implements Serializable {

private Long id;
private String dq;
private String icForme;
private String ich;
private String icht;

@ManyToMany(cascade = {CascadeType.ALL})
    private Set<Terminal> terminals = new HashSet<Terminal>();

//getter setter

Entity Terminal :

public class Terminal implements Serializable{

private Long id;
private String crimpkontakt;
private String equipment;
private String geometrie;
private String dcbt;
private String icb;
private String ak;

private Set<Produit> produit = new HashSet<Produit>();

//getter setter

Class : ModuleJPADao

public List<Produit> parProduit(String cat){
    cat = "%" + cat + "%";
    Query query = getEntityManger().createQuery( "from "+ getPersistentClass().getSimpleName()
            +" u where u.produit LIKE :cat").setParameter( "cat", cat );
    List<Produit> module = (List) query.getResultList();
    return module;


Class : ModuleService

public List<Produit> tousModuleProduit(String produit) {

    if(produit!= null){
        return moduleDao.parProduit(produit);
        return null;


<view-state id="accueil" view="accueil.xhtml">
        <evaluate expression="moduleService.tousModuleProduit(module.getProduit())"
            result="viewScope.recherche" />



 <p:accordionPanel value="#{recherche}" var="car">

                    <p:tab title="IcForme : #{car.icForme}">

                        <h:panelGrid columns="4" cellspacing="20">

                            <p:outputLabel value="ICHT: " />
                            <p:inputText value="#{car.icht}" />

                            <p:outputLabel value="terminals : " />
                                <h:dataTable value="#{car.terminals}" var="der" >
                                        <h:outputText value="#{der.geometrie}" />



i can't get the value of geometrie; i got this erreur:

javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: /WEB-INF/flows/main/accueil.xhtml @84,53 value="#{der.geometrie}": Property 'geometrie' not found on type org.hibernate.collection.internal.PersistentSet


<h:dataTable value="#{car.terminals}" var="der">
        <h:outputText value="#{der.geometrie}" />

javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property 'geometrie' not found on type org.hibernate.collection.internal.PersistentSet

Thus, the #{car.terminals} is a Set<E>. The <h:dataTable>, <p:dataTable> and <ui:repeat> components doesn't support iterating over a Set<E>. The #{der} will then basically represent the Set<E> itself. The builtin support for iterating over Set<E> will come in future JSF 2.3 version.

If it's not an option to replace Set<E> by a List<E>, then just get an array out of it as below:

<h:dataTable value="#{car.terminals.toArray()}" var="terminal">