I am using highstock charts and wish to move the zoom buttons (1m,2m,etc) to a different position.
I checked their API and there doesn't seem to be an option to do that currently.
Also the source code suggests that this location is hardcoded and hence i don't think I can easily inject the position using some undocumented property
Highstock Source
Highcharts.RangeSelector.prototype.render = function (min, max) {
rangeSelector.zoomText = renderer.text(lang.rangeSelectorZoom, plotLeft, chart.plotTop - 10)
// button starting position
buttonLeft = plotLeft + rangeSelector.zoomText.getBBox().width + 5;
This can be done by overriding the current render method and then moving the boxes after calling the actual render method to a position desired
var orgHighchartsRangeSelectorPrototypeRender = Highcharts.RangeSelector.prototype.render;
Highcharts.RangeSelector.prototype.render = function (min, max) {
orgHighchartsRangeSelectorPrototypeRender.apply(this, [min, max]);
var leftPosition = this.chart.plotLeft,
topPosition = this.chart.plotTop+5,
space = 2;
x: leftPosition,
y: topPosition + 15
leftPosition += this.zoomText.getBBox().width;
for (var i = 0; i < this.buttons.length; i++) {
x: leftPosition,
y: topPosition
leftPosition += this.buttons[i].width + space;
This code needs to be run before creating any chart
Positioning Zoom buttons | Highchart & Highstock @ jsFiddle
At this moment it is not possible, but you can voice for it here http://highcharts.uservoice.com/forums/55896-general/suggestions/2436599-add-ability-to-change-rangeselector-position