Application.Current.Shutdown(-1) not closing WPF a

2020-02-12 08:29发布


I am checking if the windows authenticated user is a valid user for my wpf application or not.

If not, I need to shut down the application; but even after executing Application.Current.Shutdown(-1) the application keeps on executing happily.

The below link says that I need to remove my StartUpURI; but I dont have that tag in my app.xaml. -> Shutting down a WPF application from App.xaml.cs

EDIT :- I have this code in APP.XAML.CS ->

protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)

            this.exceptionPolicy = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ExceptionPolicy");
            this.displayErrorDetails = true;
            this.container = new UnityContainer();

            // Register services and types in Unity

            // Check user
            if (!IsValidUser())



Use Environment.Exit() instead. That will try to shut down gracefully, but if it can't gracefully, will shut down rudely -- forcefully terminating threads.


I have never had luck shutting something down from the start-up. I would suggest starting a new Thread that, after some brief delay, shuts down the application using similar code that you have in your sample.