android tv -Reloading adapter data

2020-02-12 06:38发布


I want to re-load some of the rows data in a browse fragment.

Basically I want to reset the adapter data without causing a flash like effect in the browse fragment. Any idea how it can be done?

Something like notifyDataSetChanged() in list view.



This will refresh data without losing current position:

for (int i = 0; i < mAdapter.size(); i++) {
    ListRow listRow = ((ListRow) mAdapter.get(i));
    ArrayObjectAdapter listRowAdapter = ((ArrayObjectAdapter) listRow.getAdapter());
    if (listRowAdapter.size() > 0) {
        listRowAdapter.notifyArrayItemRangeChanged(0, listRowAdapter.size());


You can create your own adapter and add a new replaceAll() method.

public void replaceAll(Collection items){
 int itemsCount = items.size();
 if (itemsCount == 0){
 mItems.addAll(index, items);
 notifyItemRangeChanged(0, itemsCount);

complete source:link


I answered something similar in this question: Dynamically add more cards in a list Row android TV leanback

I'll copy my answer from there. Hopefully this helps.

To add items to a presenter;

CardPresenter channelCardPresenter = new CardPresenter();
ArrayObjectAdapter channelRowAdapter = new ArrayObjectAdapter(channelCardPresenter);
channelRowAdapter.add(new Movie("Movie Title"));
HeaderItem header = new HeaderItem(0, "My Channels");
mRowsAdapter.add(new ListRow(header, channelRowAdapter));

Of course this may only work for the first time you're creating the UI. Future times may not do this. In my app, CumulusTV, I create a method that will be called each time I want to do a full redraw of the app:

public void refreshUI() {
    loadRows(); //Generate and populate all the rows


Here's my kotlin version of @ewilly's answer, implementing only replaceAll which I use to both initially populate and incrementally update the list.

class RefreshableArrayObjectAdapter(presenter: Presenter): ObjectAdapter(presenter) {
    var items: ArrayList<Any> = arrayListOf()

    override fun isImmediateNotifySupported(): Boolean = true

    override fun size(): Int = items.size

    override fun get(position: Int): Any = items[position]

    fun replaceAll(list: Collection<Any>) {
        items.addAll(0, list)


 * Notify that the content of a range of items changed. Note that this is
 * not same as items being added or removed.
 * @param positionStart The position of first item that has changed.
 * @param itemCount The count of how many items have changed.
public void notifyArrayItemRangeChanged(int positionStart, int itemCount) {
    notifyItemRangeChanged(positionStart, itemCount);

Notify that the content of a range of items changed. Note that this is * not same as items being added or removed.

if you want add or remove item,please try this:
