I am creating a column type graph using json data. Here is the JS function i call to get the data using ajax call and plot the chart.
function getChart(){
var categorySeries = [];
var dataSeries = [];
var url = "CallToControllerURL";
$.getJSON(url, function(response) {
$.each(response, function(i, item) {
categorySeries .push(response[i].dateVal);
chart : {type : 'column'},
title : {text : 'Date vs Count'},
xAxis : {categories : categorySeries, crosshair : true},
yAxis : {allowDecimals: false, min : 0, title : { text : 'Count'}},
plotOptions : { column : { pointPadding : 0.2, borderWidth : 0, allowPointSelect: true } },
series : [ {name : 'Nbr of Records',data : dataSeries } ]
I want to be able to modify the color of bar for any day if the count is greater than a particular value, say 10.
This is how the json input to the function.
Any suggestions how i can do this?