I am trying to implement a test (1) for this module (2).
My purpose is to check if the collection is fetched when a particular event is triggered.
As you can see from my comment in (2) I get the message Error: Expected a spy, but got Function.
The module works but the test fails. any ideas?
// jasmine test module
describe('When onGivePoints is fired', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
spyOn(this.view.collection, 'restartPolling').andCallThrough();
it('the board collection should be fetched', function () {
// Error: Expected a spy, but got Function.
// model view module
return Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.collection = new UserBoardCollection();
app.vent.on('onGivePoints', this.collection.restartPolling);
// other code
You need to get into the actual method, which in this case is on the prototype.
describe('When onGivePoints is fired', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
spyOn(UsersBoardCollection.prototype, 'restartPolling').andCallThrough();
it('the board collection should be fetched', function () {
Spying on the prototype is a nice trick you can use when you can't get to the actual instance you want to spy on.
I was also getting the same issue but I resolved it by passing an argument in the function call. Then you have to write your test case like this in the it
var data = {name:"test"}
spyOn(UsersBoardCollection.prototype, "restartPolling").and.callThrough();
I had this bug because I had two versions of sinon loaded, or possibly i wasn't initialising sinon-jasmine correctly. When I explicitly loaded sinon and then sinon jasmine in my spec setup, it started running correctly.