
Why is Microsoft.CodeAnalysis published with ASP.N

2020-02-12 05:51发布


I'm publishing an ASP.NET Core MVC 3.0 website and the output folder contains lots of reference in many language to Microsoft.CodeAnalysis librairies, someone knows why?

Of course the FxCopAnalyzers Nuget package is installed on the project, but it was not published in an earlier version of the project, so I don't understand why it is now since it should be useful only at dev time not in a production environment.


contains lots of reference in many language to Microsoft.CodeAnalysis librairies

I did encounter the same issue when I used the 3.0 version. But I don't think it's caused by .net core 3 compiling views on publication because there's also View ViewCompilation in the release/2.1 branch .

it should be useful only at dev time not in a production environnement.

  1. I believe you're correct. These Analysis should be used at devtime only.

  2. But when I uninstall the SDK(3.0) manually and install the latest SDK again, I can't not reproduce any more. I don't why it happens, maybe it has been fixed now. It is more likely caused by another reason: I added an extra reference on other packages that depends on Microsoft.CodeAnalysis by accident). Anyway, please upgrade your SDK to the latest version firstly.

  3. Another important thing is, when using Visual Studio to add controller, it will add a reference on Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design automatically. Note this package has a dependency on Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common package indirectly. Here the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common is a shared package used by the Microsoft .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn"). If you download this package and unzip this lib manually, you'll find that there's a Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.dll :

    │   └───netstandard2.0/
    │       ├─── ...
    │       ├─── Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.dll
    │       ├─── Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.pdb
    │       ├─── Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.xml
    │       └─── ...
    │   └───...

    This package is only needed at Dev-Time. If you don't remove this dependency, you'll get quite a lot of dlls related to Microsoft.CodeAnalysis in your publish folder.

        <!-- this is not necessary when publishing -->
        <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design" Version="3.0.0" />

    Remove those packages that depends on Microsoft.CodeAnalysis, and then you should get no Microsoft.CodeAnalysis related dlls:


For me, this line inside *.csproj file solved the issue somehow. It still deploys the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis, but only for en:

  <!-- ... -->

See the comment (by Jonathon Marolf) on the Github issue.


Here's my take at trying to make the solution easier to see.

The problem, more than likely is use of AddRazorRuntimeCompilation(). More specifically, in the startup.cs you likely to add razor runtime compilation like so:

     IMvcBuilder builder = services.AddControllersWithViews()

and to support that, your web project probably has a reference to Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation

That nuget package has a dependency on Microsoft.CodeAnalysis that is producing all that unwanted output in the publish folder.

The fix is to edit the project file and make the dependency conditional on Debug mode like so:

    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation" 
Version="3.1.0" Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'" />

and then in the startup.cs file conditionally call AddRazorRuntimeCompilation() like so:

    IMvcBuilder builder = services.AddControllersWithViews();

     #if DEBUG
            if (Env.IsDevelopment()) {

This will cause all those Microsoft.CodeAnalysis librairies to only be out when compiling in Debug mode. So now when you publish using Release mode they will not be part of the output.