The code below does its work but leaves copies of the font file in the temp directory each time it is run. These files are named +~JF7154903081130224445.tmp where the number seems random for each created file.
InputStream fontStream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("handsean.ttf");
Font baseFont = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, fontStream);
I have found years-old discussions in forums at and other resources on the web where this is recognized as a bug in JDK, where upgrading from 1.5.0_06 to 1.5.0_08 would solve the problem; however, the version I am using is a later version (1.6.0_13).
I tried solving the problem by deleting the files after the font related operations are finished, but the files are locked at that time. The files can only be deleted after the web application has stopped.
Does anybody have a solution to this?