I have a breakpoint on the "return" line here:
public NRBQEntity GetTestMessage(String id1, String id2)
return NRBQClient.GetTestMessage(id1, id2);
Although it does not crash the app, when I reach that point, I get,
"Exception:Thrown: "Culture is not supported." (System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException) A System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException was thrown: "Culture is not supported.""
Which culture is trying to be supported, why is it not supported, and what, if anything, should I do to support the culture?
Answer to sphanley:
Besides standing for "New Riders of the BarbeQue," it is a "skeleton" (for now) Entity that looks like this:
public class NRBQEntity
public NRBQEntity()
public String Value { get; set; }
Answer to AnotherUser:
This is not my code, so I'm just in the process of trying to grok it; it has been provided as a starting point for me to copy over/refactor an existing standalone project, incorporating it into "the" solution. That having been said, to answer your question, here are all the instances of "GetTestMessage()" in the solution:
public NRBQEntity GetTestMessage(String id1, String id2)
return NRBQClient.GetTestMessage(id1, id2);
public NRBQEntity GetTestMessage(String id1, String id2)
return NRBQService.GetNRBQEntity(id1, id2);
public interface INRBQClient
NRBQEntity GetTestMessage(String id1, String id2);
public NRBQEntity GetTestMessage(String id1, String id2)
var res = RESTAPIClient.GET<NRBQEntity>(null
, new Uri(NRBQClientSettings.NRBQAPI)
, String.Format("api/Test/{0}/{1}"
, id1
, id2)
if (res.status != RequestResultStatus.Success)
throw new Exception(res.message);
return res.result;
...and this test:
[TestFixture, Category(DRBCOMMON.UnitTests.Categories.IntegrationTest)]
public class NRBQClientIntegrationTests
public void TestNRBQInterface()
var NRBQClient = IOC.container.Resolve<INRBQClient>();
var s = NRBQClient.GetTestMessage("GET", "SORTY");
Assert.Greater(s.Value.Length, 0);