thanks for taking the time to read this. I'm fairly new to JavaFX and have a weird error in my compiler that I would like some insight on.
Here's the error:
2018-09-13 19:09:36.387 java[8040:660455] unrecognized type is 4294967295
2018-09-13 19:09:36.387 java[8040:660455] *** Assertion failure in -[NSEvent _initWithCGEvent:eventRef:], /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/
Here is the code I am working with: This is in a .java file named applicationSettings
public static double lookupUser(String name, String password) throws IOException {
InputStream inputStream = applicationSettings.class.getResourceAsStream("/files/users.xlsx");
XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(inputStream);
XSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
Integer lastRow = sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows();
int currentRow = 1;
while(currentRow < lastRow) {
if(sheet.getRow(currentRow).getCell(0).getStringCellValue().toLowerCase().equals(name.toLowerCase())) {
if(sheet.getRow(currentRow).getCell(1).getStringCellValue().toLowerCase().equals(password.toLowerCase())) {
double accessLevel = sheet.getRow(currentRow).getCell(2).getNumericCellValue();
return accessLevel;
return 4.0;
This is in a .java file named loginScreen
EventHandler<ActionEvent> loginClicked = new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
double userFound = 0.0;
try {
userFound = applicationSettings.lookupUser(usernameField.getText(), passwordField.getText());
} catch (IOException e) {
}//END of Try/Catch
if(userFound == 1.0) { //1 is Admin Access
//TODO: Implement Login
System.out.println("Admin Login");
}else if(userFound == 2.0){ //2 is Elevated Access
//TODO: Elevated Access
System.out.println("Elevated Login");
}else if(userFound == 3.0){
//TODO: Basic Access
System.out.println("Basic Login");
}else{//Show Error
//TODO: Show Error
}//End If Statement
My Excel File is basically structured like this:
So for my login it would be like:
Trey Carey March3199; 1
This isn't going anywhere besides by church where it's not really doing anything besides automating some tedious tasks, so security isn't an issue.
Also, if there's anyway I can clean up some of these if statements and my code in general I would appreciate any tips or help!