Include xml files in maven project

2020-02-11 18:09发布


I have a maven pom file to build from a structure like:



When I do a maven compile, the xml files don't come in the target.
maven-compiler-plugin 3.5.1 - Unless I exclude the xmls through <exclusions>, I get an error that "Fatal error compiling: All compilation units must be of SOURCE kind ->" maven-compiler-plugin 2.0.1 - compiles but skips the xmls

Is there a way I can have the xmls included in my jar. The structure would be



*I understand it may not be maven standard to have xml with source files but I am working on a specific product and need to maintain this structure in both input and output.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" 

  <name>AAA Custom code</name>











I faced the same issue, I wanted to keep fxml & java files in the same folder (I'm using scenebuilder who needs both fxml and java files at the same place).

Here is my solution in pom.xml:



If you want the xml files to be included in your JAR file, then store them in the resources folder, instead of java.

Presumably they're in src/main/java. Try moving them to src/main/resources. Anything in src/main/resources will be packaged into the JAR file along with the .class files.