How do you trim white space on beginning and the end of each new line with PHP or regex?
For instance,
$text = "similique sunt in culpa qui officia
deserunt mollitia animi, id est
laborum et dolorum fuga
Should be,
$text = "similique sunt in culpa qui officia
deserunt mollitia animi, id est
laborum et dolorum fuga
Using a regex is certainly quicker for this task. But if you like nesting functions this would also trim
whitespace from all lines:
$text = join("\n", array_map("trim", explode("\n", $text)));
<textarea style="width:600px;height:400px;">
$text = "similique sunt in culpa qui officia
deserunt mollitia animi, id est
laborum et dolorum fuga
echo preg_replace("/(^\s+|\s+$)/m","\r\n",$text);
I added the testarea so you can see the newlines clearly
1st solution :
Split your original string with the newline character with explode, use trim on each token, then rebuild the original string ...
2nd solution :
Do a replace with this regular expression \s*\n\s* by \n with preg_replace.
You can use any horizontal whitespace character switch and preg_replace
function to replace them with nothing:
$text = trim(preg_replace('/(^\h+|\h+$)/mu', '', $text));
If you need preserve whitespace on file ned remove trim
or replace with ltrim
Here another regex that trims whitespace on beginning an end of each line..
$text = preg_replace('/^[\t ]+|[\t ]+$/m', '', $text);
See /m modifier
Mario's solution works well (thank you for that mario - saved my day). Maybe somebody can explain though why it turned my later checks for cross-platform compatible line breaks such as
(strstr($text, PHP_EOL))
to FALSE even when the line breaks existed.
Anyway, changing "\n" to PHP_EOL fixed the issue:
$text = join(PHP_EOL, array_map("trim", explode(PHP_EOL, $text)));